In this item you can find studies about the connection between being a member of a disadvantaged minority group and psychosis.
An article in the American Journal of Psychiatry
Psychosis in US Inseparable from Racism and Structural Inequality, Researchers Argue
About the same article in Mad in America by Madison Natarajan, MS
On June 17th 2021 ISPS organized a webinar about this subject see ISPS webinar on racism
On the conference Stranger in the City in 2019 keynote speaker Wim Veling addressed the subject why people who are members of a low status minority group have a bigger chance of developing psychosis. See YouTube
Please watch the films and look for the similarities: one of the surprising findings of Wim was that those who want to adapt to the majority group have the biggest chance of psychosis, and that anger is a protecting factor. See pdf of his thesis .
One scary example of how subtle racism is maddening, especially for those who want to adapt to the dominant culture is the movie ''Get Out"": a young black guy visits the very civilized white family of his girlfriend. The story that follows after this videoclip has similarities with the stories i hear in my office. I discussed this with one of the Moroccan experienced based speakers. He had studied on the university and then had a psychotic break, He had watched the movie too and recognized the interaction and also Wim Veling agreed with me that this subtle racisme is more maddening than the open one.