Recovery is not the same as a score on a rating scale. Recovery means that you as a person can live a qualitative rich life according the values you choose. In this section you can watch recovery stories and click informative websites.

Recovery from mental disorders, a lecture by Patricia Deegan 

Pat Deegan Interview on mental illness and education 


See more of Pat Deegan:

Artists speak about how art helped in their recovery:

HEALING HOMES: recovery from psychosis without medication, a movie from Daniel Mackler "Healing Homes," recovery from psychosis without medication. An in-depth exploration of the Family Care Foundation, one of the best psychosis-oriented programs in the world, a Swedish organization which places people failed by traditional psychiatry in families, many of whom are farm families, as a start to a whole new life. Interviews with clinicians, clients, and host families 

Michael Cornwall Speaks on Helping People in Extreme States with Loving Receptivity, Michael Cornwall shares from his own lived experience of extreme states and 35 years of serving people in extreme states as a therapist in medication-free psychosis sanctuaries and in the community. Michael addresses this way of being with people in extreme states at conferences, graduate schools, workshops, and at Esalen Institute. Michael is an author at Mad in America . He can be contacted at his website, What is Madness? This video aired on 10/23/2014 in a workshop at the Alternatives Conference led by Cardum Harmon and Dina Tyler of the Mandala Project

More of Michael Cornwall 

National Empowerment Center-On Recovery

Larry Davidson on Recovery

Ron Unger’s Recovery from Psychosis website is very informative and updated

See more of Ron Unger

CBT for Psychosis: An Individualized, Recovery Oriented Approach is a 5 hour (5 CE US) online course, with lifetime access to all course materials.  The instructor, Ron Unger LCSW, is an ISPS-US member, and 50% of the course fee directly supports ISPS-US

Dr. Paris Williams works as a psychologist in the San Francisco Bay Area. He offers the rare perspective of someone who has experienced psychosis from both sidesâ€"as a researcher and psychologist, and as someone who has himself fully recovered after struggling with psychotic experiences. He can be reached at

Mental Health Matters - Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) Wellness Recovery Action Planning, or WRAP, is an evidence-based system that is used worldwide by people who are dealing with mental health and other kinds of wellness challenges. It is a unique form of mental health support in that is peer-led and self-directed. Join host Shannon Eliot as she chats with Mary Ellen Copeland, author of the book "Wellness Recovery Action Plan" and Matthew Federici, Executive Director of The Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery.

The illness management and recovery toolkit, A more mainstream psychiatric, but very handy tool to implement recovery promoting practices in a mental facility 

How Vermont Discovered the Possibility of Recovery, This is the first of several modules on the Vermont Long-Term Outcome Study plus the Matched Comparison Study. These modules are designed to lay out the empirical base for the recovery movement and build an understanding of the ways in which social supports, hope and modest expectations for the role of psychiatric medication interact to produce far better outcomes than have been generally understood in the field. 

The evidence

Recovery of a group persons who stayed on the backwards of Vermont hospital A course from Courtenay Harding, she did a large prospective study of a group chronic patients of the Vermont hospital where rehabilitation service was implemented and compared it with a similar group from another hospital

The empirical evidence about mental health and recovery: how likely, how long, what helps? Prof Mike Slade Dr Eleanor Longden July 2015 

The central role of self-agency in clinical recovery from first episode psychosis, Jone Bjornestad Conclusion: We suggest that an increase in sense of personal agency is a core mechanism driving recovery for participants in the study sample. Findings indicate that interventions aiming to boost subjective and behavioral agency in service users might be of great benefit, particularly in combating negative symptoms of psychosis.

What is Recovery?


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